Site Visits for NI Schools Buying New Playground Equipment

Why Site Visits Can Be So Helpful For Schools When Buying New Playground Equipment?

Playgrounds are an integral part of a child’s development, providing them with opportunities to engage in physical activity, learn social skills, and have fun. For schools looking to invest in new playground equipment, it is crucial to consider a variety of factors such as safety, durability, and usability.
One of the most valuable resources available to schools in this process is a site visit from the supplier.
In this article, we will explore why site visits from the supplier can be so valuable for schools considering buying new playground equipment.
  1. Specific Needs & Requirements

First and foremost, site visits from the supplier can provide schools with valuable insights into the specific needs and requirements of their playground. Every playground is unique, and a supplier who takes the time to visit a school can gain a thorough understanding of the space and layout of the playground. They can evaluate the space to determine which pieces of equipment will fit best and which ones are necessary to achieve the desired play experience. They can also help the school identify potential safety hazards and provide recommendations for how to address them.

2. On-Site Assessment

Moreover, site visits provide the supplier with the opportunity to observe the school’s children as they play. This allows the supplier to gain insight into the children’s age ranges and abilities, which can inform their recommendations for the appropriate equipment to install. For example, a supplier may notice that the children in the school are primarily younger and require smaller equipment that caters to their needs. Alternatively, they may observe that the children are more interested in sports activities and require equipment that facilitates such activities. By taking these observations into account, the supplier can make informed recommendations that will cater to the unique needs of the school and its children.

3. Understand the Space

Additionally, site visits allow the supplier to conduct a thorough assessment of the space available, taking into consideration any limitations that may affect the installation process. For instance, the supplier may discover that the area is uneven, making it necessary to install the equipment on a level surface. They may also notice that there are trees or other obstructions in the way that will need to be cleared before the equipment can be installed. By conducting a thorough assessment of the space, the supplier can anticipate any issues that may arise during installation and prepare accordingly.

4. Discuss Features & Benefits

Another benefit of site visits is that they provide an opportunity for the supplier to demonstrate the features and benefits of the equipment they are proposing. In some cases, the supplier may bring samples of the equipment to demonstrate how they work and how they can benefit the children. This allows the school to get a hands-on feel for the equipment and better understand its functionality. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for the supplier to answer any questions the school may have and address any concerns about the equipment.

5. Understand Goals & Needs

Moreover, site visits provide the supplier with the opportunity to engage in collaborative discussions with school administrators and staff. During the visit, the supplier can discuss the school’s specific needs and goals, and work together to develop a tailored solution that meets these needs. They can also discuss any concerns the school may have and provide advice on how to overcome them. By working collaboratively with the supplier, the school can develop a solution that is well-suited to their unique needs.

6. Deliver An Accurate Quote

Finally, site visits allow the supplier to provide the school with a detailed quote for the proposed equipment and installation. By conducting a thorough assessment of the space, the supplier can provide an accurate quote that takes into consideration any additional work that may need to be done to prepare the area for installation. This allows the school to get a clear understanding of the costs involved and make an informed decision about whether the proposed solution is within their budget.


In conclusion, site visits from the supplier can be incredibly valuable for schools considering buying new playground equipment. They provide the supplier with a thorough understanding of the school’s unique needs and requirements, and allow them to make informed recommendations about the appropriate equipment to install. They also provide an opportunity for the supplier